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Приказују се постови за октобар, 2022


  D irektorka škole je nameštala frizuru savijenu u punđu i gledala se u ogledalo. Vežbala je različite poze strogoće, kao i svakog radnog dana, želeći da izgleda autoritativno, ako treba – i neumoljivo. Pripremala se za uobičajenu šetnju dugim školskim hodnicima u vreme nastave. Uvek bi inače zastajkivala ispred svih vrata i osluškivala i profesore i đake, proveravajući da li se nastava drži po strogo utvrđenom planu i programu.           Ispred kabineta za matematiku odzvanjao je glas predavača, koji je očigledno preglasno objašnjavao neki zadatak, jasno se čulo čak i škripanje krede po tabli. U učionici u kojoj se predavala geografija iskusna nastavnica je vrlo razgovetno pričala o zemljama Azije i o Indiji. Kabinet muzičkog je ipak bio najglasniji. Sviralo se na klaviru, prepoznala je čak i svoju omiljenu Betovenovu kompoziciju.           Direktorka se zadovoljno nasmešila i krenula dalje. Posebno...

WHO ARE THE TRAVELERS AND WHO THE INDIANS? (By: Miroslav Radaković, author of the book The Scent of Colors and The World is the Same )

  The school principal was fixing her hair in a bun and looking at herself in the mirror. She rehearsed various poses of sternness, as she did every working day, wanting to appear authoritative, if necessary – and implacable. She was preparing for the usual walk through the long school corridors during class time. She would always stop in front of every door and listen to both the teachers and the students, checking whether classes are being held according to a strictly defined curriculum. The voice of the teacher rang out in front of the math class. He was obviously explaining an assignment at full volume and even the screeching of chalk on the blackboard could be heard clearly. In the classroom where geography was taught, the experienced teacher spoke very eloquently about Asian countries and about India. The music room was the loudest of all. The piano was playing and she recognized her favorite Beethoven composition. The principal smiled with satisfaction and moved on. She ...